San Andreas Area

At Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) sanctuaries, rescued animals live in peaceful, natural habitats, free from fear, chains, and harsh confinement. They are at complete liberty to act out natural behaviors in the comfort of their individually designed enclosures. Although it is generally closed to the public, the facility in San Andreas, known as ARK 2000, offers an ability to see these magnificent, rescued animals, just a few times a year, at fundraising events like the Elephant Grape Stomp and other events to help keep their important work going. They generally sell out months in advance, but are worth attending if you can. Meanwhile, please consider supporting PAWS by donating online, becoming a volunteer, adopting an animal or donating to their wish list.

Calaveras County Museum
The Calaveras County Museum Complex includes the historic courthouse, jail yard and Hall of Records. It includes the upstairs portion of the Odd Fellows and Masonic Hall built in 1856. The museum contains displays dating to the Gold Rush era including information on the famous outlaw, Black Bart, the “Gentleman Bandit” who was jailed and tried here when he was finally captured in 1888. Their outstanding Mi Wok Indian exhibit includes artifacts, photos and quotes revealing the ancient Mi Wok lifestyle.
Researching your family’s history in Calaveras County? Friendly, helpful staff at the Historical Society’s office, located on the lower floor of the Hall of Records, are happy to help you during their regular hours. Their research fees are $15.00 per hour after the first half-hour, which is free. You can learn more about San Andreas history on our History & Culture page which also has some great old historic photos.

Gooney’s Bar and Grill
After many iterations (including the former Red Brick Saloon) this historic building has been restored to its former glory and namesake under new ownership as Gooney’s Bar & Grill, this time with a twist: it’s ready for the 21st century.
Open since early 2019, with friendly staff, and great quality food at reasonable prices in a beautifully restored setting, Gooney’s is quickly becoming a locals favorite, drawing visitors from every corner to historic San Andreas, CA, located at the intersection of San Andreas Main Street and the historic Highway 49.
California Cavern
Originally called Mammoth Cave, California Cavern was California’s first show cave and is its longest cavern system. Depending on the season, the guided cavern walk tour can be 45 minutes to 80 minutes long featuring an enchanting trail with beautiful crystalline cave formations in historical and recently discovered pristine areas.
The cavern walking tour takes you through several passageways into multiple chambers on a trail system. On the way, you’ll see a wide variety of beautiful white, cream and caramel colored crystalline cave formations including stalactites, stalagmites, cave popcorn, flowstones and helictites, while also learning about the cavern’s fascinating discovery and early uses.

Robin’s Nest Bed and Breakfast
Robin’s Nest bed and breakfast is a Victorian mansion with nine elegant rooms with private bath and beautifully landscaped gardens. Husband and wife hosts Bill and Karen offer friendly service, and create delicious, gourmet breakfasts.
There’s an outdoor brick cooking center, elevated redwood deck with theatre, Hot-Spa, playground, secure parking, dog kennel, gourmet breakfast.